Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Kamila Żmijewska: "Let's Start Mother's Day Pelargonium Event".

Kamila Żmijewska, CEO of Public Relations Agency PiART for Cut Flowers, Pot Plants and Flower Bulbs was the organiser and initiator of the event Pelargonie Mamy, what in loosely translation means Mother`s pelargoniums and/or we have got pelargoniums, and is a kind of a wordplay.
The event was organised within the marketing campaign Pelargonium for Europe with the aim to give a new boost to the image of Pelargonium.

Kamila Żmijewska With Friends In Pelargonium Frame.

The event was hold on the last Friday and the last weekend of May at Hala Koszyki, a new, vibrant meeting place for people in the city, currently Warsaw’s latest must-visit destination with modern restaurants, shops and art space. Kamila Żmijewska notes, "during these three days people could discover the magic of pelargoniums and have fun arranging it". On the Mother`s Day (In Poland we celebrate on the May 26th) we organised two rounds of workshops. Everyone who joined them could decorate pelargonium for mother.

Within 3 days action everyone who visited Hala Koszyki could take a photo in a special frame decorated with over 50 colourful pelargoniums and receive pelargonium as a gift from our hostess. We invited Panasonic Polska to cooperation. The professional photographer made pictures and placed them on Panasonic Polska Facebook fanpage from which people could download them. Of course everyone could make pictures themselves, but were asked to publish them on Instagram with a hashtag: #mojapelargonia #halakoszyki #panasonicpolska.

The florist Joanna Lewandowska from Kwiatowa Manufaktura company gave also care and handle tips about pelargonium.
Hala Koszyki bloomed with pelargoniums and people were very enthusiastic about the action.

The Pelargonium campaign started in 2017 and takes place in Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Switzerland and in several Scandinavian countries. Kamila Żmijewska, the leading PR Expert for flowers markets is responsible for PR promotion in Poland.

Let’s enjoy Pelargonium together. Follow us on FB MojaPelargonia and Instagram mygeranium.